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Blog #6 -- Here's what's going on

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

Hey there! So, my groupmate and I have been working on a thing. A bear canister, more specifically. And so far, there's been plenty of ups and downs. The biggest challenge I've faced individually is the simultaneous abundance and lack of proper resources and articles to back our project. It's also been tricky because a bear canister is a product that has a very specific market, so getting feedback peer feedback can be difficult. Nonetheless, the feedback we are getting is vital. In any sort of project or essay or presentation, feedback is the key because through collaboration, ideas can be refined and filtered much more than any one person can do on their own. Peer collaboration will help certain ideas/concepts become more developed while others may be weeded out. Having another set of eyes can bring in new ideas. Another opinion will poke holes in our current plan and help bring to light the possible shortcomings that we could possibly face. I am most proud of all the work we are doing and just how sophisticated the whole process of this project has been so far. Having a seven page running document in Times New Roman is quite an accomplishment for me, too. Okay, that's the end. Bye!

Until next time,


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